Quote: To answer with "one" word, yes! I see it this way. I have 2 choises, concentrate on the second, third or ? shot (spray and pray theory) OR concentrate on the first shot. I choose to concentrate on the first shot, let them come close and break them down with the first shot. There's plenty of time for more shooting after that. I was charged one time by a brown bear, meaning the bear actually had me in her sights and had two big cubs with her. I stood my ground letting her get to within 30 yards where she broke off and stopped. She was comeing down hill, and comeing fast! I was going to let her come a bit closer and drop her, but she saved her own life. There's no doubt that she would have been a dead bear. That's not too bad considering how many times over the years i've jumped them in the tall grass or alders... I was charged by a large german shepard dog that there's NO DOUBT would have done me harm. His problem was, i had a S&W revolver with me, and at the shot he slid to my feet....dead. Over the years i've also been charged by moose.... All of these incidents have long stories to go with them, and i'm only up to "two fingers" with my typeing, so they are too long to relate today. hahahaa DM |