I've spent a lot of time bear hunting and have harvested several, includeing browns... I see most folks here, like on other sites that answer these kinds of questions, are always focused on how many shots they can get off, or at least the second or third shot. My experience has been that "one" in the right spot is much better than several someplace else! This is one time when you need to "break" the animial down, not do the "spray and pray" or even rib shoot it! It only takes one shot to break a bear down, giveing you plenty of time for the follow up killing shot. I've never felt undergunned with anything from a "properly loaded" 7 mag. on up, and i built my custom bear rifle in .338-06. I've not had any problems at all flattening big bears with that rifle and i prefer 275 grain Speers loaded in it. I'd pick a rifle every time over a shotgun, and a double rifle would be great!! Like was said, it's the cost of one that holds folks back... How many of you suggesting "your weapon idea" is best, has actually hunted and harvested a big bear with that weapon??? DM |