I consider the most dangerous NA game to be --BIG BEARS-be it Griz, Brown bear or polar bear. Question-- If you had to b/u someone and carry a short range "stopper' would you prefer a big Double over a slugged shotgun, sxs or semiautomatic? My friends tell me Fishermen in Alaska usually prefer slugged shotty's.They feel they penetrate and kill well on any bear encountered.Theyfeel the harsh weather would select a shotty over a Double as well. My gut makes me lean to a semiauto with brenneke slugs for sheer firepower but if a prudent concern for reliabilty/penetration power in harsh environments surfaces then a double rifle may beat out any SG. Choosing between a slugged double barreled shotty and a Double rifle would be less hard the bigger the bear got. as the Doubles penetration would probably play the trump card in this matchup. UGGH! A stainless steel synthetic DR for NA hunting just flashed before my eyes! Any thoughts on ultimate close range stoppers for bear attacks? Sometimes that big bore bolt may not cut it. |