A guiding territory in BC is just that, a territory. You have exclusive rights to guide hunters and fishermen in your Area. All non-residents of BC must have a guide for hunting other than birds. So you can sell and outfit these people plus any residents that want a guided hunt. All residents can hunt almost anywhere if unguided. So the more remote you are the less competion from residents. Usually they don't penitrate very far from the road in any case as horses are almost the only way to go. If you are on a navigatable stream or river you may see some in boats. The ownership of the land, timber rights, mining rights etc remain with the Crown or another lease holders. You hold the lease at the pleasure of the government and you have certain reponsibilites for the stewardship. Setting quotas and wise game management are crucial. If you do not behave than you can have your lease revoked and you are out your investment, other than real property. It is tough to make a dollar in the outfitting business unless you have something else going for you. Heli Skiing, Summer trips, Fishing etc. If this area can only take 40 hunters a year at an avg of $4,000 each. A net of maybe $2,000/ea plus taxes, maintanance, etc you might clear $50,000/yr. Not much for reinvestment and payments. |