Quote: There's several reasons actually. Number one it's fall..so bears are preparing to go into hibernation.. they're eating anything and everything they can to get their weight up. Next thing is its also archery season so you have hunters out calling with elk calls and sneaking through the woods in camo with elk urine sprayed on for scent.. it's basically become almost like a dinner bell for the bears... they'll follow the call or they follow the hunter, as has been proven by studies..once the kill is made they try to take the kill away just as though the hunter is another bear..or threat to their food.. Then there is a issue of way way way too many Grizzlies that have not been hunted in over 30 years so they've lost their fear of man in Montana Wyoming and Idaho. Then you have all the Liberals and their organizations suing anytime somebody wants to have a hunting season to try to shut it down which is what just happened in Wyoming again. Science means nothing to them even though the numbers suggest there are more than enough Grizzlies in the area..and they are repopulating. In fact they are expanding to areas now that have not seen a griz in over 100 years..Liberals/greenies (all the same) still sue for nothing more than the sake of suing it seems. Liberals love science as long as it agrees with their agenda.. ![]() I have a now retired friend who worked for forest service, along with several who are still working for them..ALL state, if the feds are saying there are 800 griz in the Yellowstone Eco-system..its at a minimum, double that...have another friend who has a 2 acre piece of land just outside of YNP...2 ACRES..he has trail cam's up..has photographed 14 different griz come through his little parcel so far in 2018 since spring..TWO ACRES--14 GRIZ have come through.. YNP alone is around 2.2 million acres..let alone what the Fed's call the Yellowstone Eco-sytem which is 18 MILLION acres.. the Feds and greenies are trying to say there are only 6-800 griz in that area?? That comment is complete bullshit --I am out a lot in the fall..and so are most of my friends..I would bet anyone --as the forest service guys I talk to have said, who by the way are actually out there daily, horse back or otherwise, the number is in excess of 1600...probably closer to 2000... |