Early spring bears, both grizzlies and blacks have incredible hides - never better - unless they've been scratching/rubbing. Some come out of the den already rubbed to high heaven, others with soft, long and luxuriously beautiful hair. The hair & inner fur grows all winter. It is BEST in the spring - unless they've been rubbing, of course. The chance of only finding rubbed bears in the spring is higher, the later and thus the warmer weather during the hunt. The best time is when they first come out, with snow still on the ground. Fall bears, just before hibernation, have best meat, and hides almost ready for the long sleep - but, still do not compare with spring hides - on a few of the bears. I would hazard a guess that a warm early spring will produce the worse rubbed hides, so probably better off with a fall bear, especially if you are planning on eating it. |