390 is a very good sized black bear. He is lucky it didn't decide to finish the job. I have only ever seen one that big in my life. Many of our sow grizzlies around here are about that size. Any bear is bad news when it wants to hurt you. I once had a "greenie acquaintance" tell me he was not worried when a very young grizzle bluff charged him, becauseit was only about 175 pounds. He was lucky it was a bluff. He thought his walking stick would have been enough to protect him. When I asked him how he thought he's do against a 175 pound rottweiler it seemed to sink in a bit, especially after I reminded him that the dog doesn't have 3" claws like the "small grizzly" does, and they both have big teeth. Weird how some people seem to think. (or not think) |