Quote: You are thinking of Svalbard Islands, where it is mandatory to carry a rifle against polar bears when out and about. https://www.visitnorway.com/places-to-go/svalbard-islands/ Interesting, in mountain bunkers of Svalbard lie hidden reserves of plant seeds from all around the world, including Australia, and I assume the USA, stored there to revegetate the world, or regions of the Earth if ever there is a global catastrophe wiping out vegetation and seeds. Abosolutely TRUE and amazing to think of the minds of planners to provide such reserves in a sci-fi like emergency. Shows the 'disaster' fictional movies are more regarded as possible than any of us might think. Another thread on Svalbard: "The Only Place on Earth where you have to carry a gun by law" http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=268025&an=&page=0&vc=1 |