Yeah - poor shot right at the back of the diaphram looked like to me, but probably get the liver, so still a dead bull in about 60yards, IF they didn't go after it for a 1/2hour or more. Moose are babies, that way - if a killing shot was made, however poor. That's been my experience - if they can run, usually 50 or 60yards makes them feel safe (quiet) and they'll lay down & die. I was surprised he didn't grunt at the bull as he was taking off - usually slows and stops them sooner and quiets the reaction from spooking at the sound. Good video, though, well played out. Using or having to use sights at that range can also screw you up on the shot, especially considering the living, moving target along with the excitement that goes with that - probably what happened - peep sight and all or if takend instinctively, not any or enough practising close and dirty with instinctive shooting - whit a mechanical bow. Practising that way can save your hunt. Lots of times, we need to make a 40yards shot, but also 10 foot or even 6foot shot with a 'hot' bull might be the only shot you get. |