Well, I am unsure if I am correct here, but I looked at the prices they were asking and they were higher then what I charge for a hand made 8 bore or 4 bore rifle. If the Rand VS Dollar is what I think it is, they are not very inexpensive. Maybe I am wrong here. I was not able to check their prices myself. I could not get the web site to work on my computer. Please correct me if I am wrong. I find that 62, 66 and 72 caliber rifles are the most popular. These rifles don’t kick very much, and are easy to carry and shoot . 8 Bores are bigger, but still not bad to shoot. I sight in my rifles up to 8 bore before I ship them out. 4 bores hurt me. (I have never fired a 2 bore, and I never will.) I build them, but I no longer sight them in. For customers that want one, I leave the front sights tall, and let them do the file work to bring it in. Then if they want a bead, they can return the barrel to me and I will install a bead at the same height they have it sighted for, at no charge |