I have a Kodiak 12 bore also and have taken mine to 150 grains of 777, but she regulated nicely at 110 grains. Why 777? because I can't get black powder locally. I would have to order 25 pounds of the stuff! My brother (Colorado) has shot his with pyrodex, BP and 777 - and gets the best results with 777. As mine will shot a 3.5" 4 shot group at 50 yards on 777, i'll stay with it.
A word about the Kodiak 12 bore. If you are wanting to play around with a double but can't cough up 7 to 10 thousand bucks for a try, GET THIS GUN! The quality is great and you have a rifle that will kill anything save DG. All for under $1000.00 Remember, them men who came before us shot these rifles.