In ctg. loads, I find the Beeswax/Vas to be every bit as good as any comerical lube I've tried. : OxYoke sells Borebutter, another great one, in stick form as well as the ones Lyman sells. : Soaking fibre (donacona) wads in lube realy helps, but there has to be something to separate them from the powder. : Rubbing lube around the perifery works too. : As well, if using the bast cup off shotshells, the plastic also has to be separated from the powder. BP melts it to the bore. They are a very good way of holding a ball inside the bore, though. : I like the idea of the hollow wad, to obturate to the bore, but still like a hard card on the powder. : With a good lube, and enough of it, cleanup of the bore should be done with a couple cloth patches. I used the one patch, shiny bore as an indication of a good lube with ctgs. I don't see why it wouldn't work that way with the bore rifle. ; If the bore doens't clean almost all for the fouling out with one patch through it, the lube didn't do the job. Beeswax/Vas works for me, as does SPG and BoreButter by OxYoke. : I've not used Wonderlube (white stuff) for many years so cannot coment on it specifically. |