Traditions, in the States is a company selling reproduction rifles. My only real problem with them, is the insistance, as with TCenter, of calling their rifles "Hawken" when in fact they do not even resemble a real Hawken rifle. 1/2 stocked - yes, even to having 2 barrel keys, yes - but they have light weight barrels and stocks/locks and breeches not remotely resembling a REAL Hawken. Probably the closest to a real Hawken in a reproduction rifle, is the Lyman Great Plains Rifle (GPR), yet they do not attempt to cash in on the Hawken name in their adverts, rather they call it a Great Plains Rifle, because it is NOT a Hawken. That would be like calling a .50/.54/.58 or .72 cal. Pedersoli SXS a Holland and Holland, Blissett, Bond, Alex Henry, or whatever, rather than what it is, an inexpensive reproduction, called "Kodiak". |