Yes! - but still, a wonderful display of explosiveness. The Savage inline, or one of Savage's inlines was actually designed for smokeless - I don't know if they still make and market them. They were designed to burn smokeless, but only a given charge of H110, which is the same powder as W296- fast rifle or slow magnum pistol powder - your choice what you call it. There have been a number of those bolt action'd Savage inlines blown up as well, apparently. Of course the owners said they used the 'suggested' loads. I rather suspect the use of larger charges to get even higher speeds - or faster powders to increase speed. Mistaken powders do get sold. A local chap gave me a pound of IMR4227 that was sold to him as Black Powder and it says SMOKELESS POWDER right on the can. He said, it's black, isn't it? Oh boy! |