Yeah I understand - I received a letter from a chemist in the States saying the formula was outlawed in England due to it's stability problem. He wasn't sure what chemicals I'd added with the sublimed sulfer and briquets - that's any body's guess but it worked for me for a couple years. The formulation was what was used for the priming pills in pill-lock guns, prior to 1860, as well as in primers of the era up into & including the murcuric primers era. Potassium Chlorate was one of the components of corrosive primers of that era and is the chemical responsible for many barrels being badly pitted, even though they might have been cleaned well after use(cleaning oils/solutions in late 1800's thorugh to non-corrosive primers being commmonplace). This chlorate chemical is the reason soldiers were told to urinate down their rifle barrels to help disolve the corrosives left by the primers. Too, I think the amonia neutralized the acidic nature of the chlorate residue. Cleaning oils themselves won't disolve the residue which becomes very acidic with the addition of moisture (over humidity of 30% - about). |