Tom- I've made my own caps with a Forester Tap-O-Cap die mounted in the rockchucker. For formula I used 5 parts potassium chlorate, 1 part sublmed (flour of) sulfer and 1 part ground up briquets. This bastic formula of 5:1:1 made with 19th century produces can be highly unstable. Mine seemed to be stable, but what do I know? The forumla apparently was outlawed in England as being unstable with mixed in a slurry, as I did. A single drop of 'solution' was dripper into each 'cap', probably drying and hardening into a disk about .010" thick. They were VERY hot caps. Today, the a stock of the compound might be construed as explosives - of that possibility, I don't know either but am highly suspicious. Sifted into a .22 Stinger's hollow cavity then sealed over with a swipe of beeswax, then fired, would cut off a 1" willow tree. Sifted into a 3/8" diameter hole drilled into .58 Minnie balls(bullets), then sealed over with beeswax would cut off a 12" to 14" diameter aspen)poplar). These homemade caps kept me in shooting during a time when caps were not available except in Vancouver, BC. Shipping was not possible for me. Living in the bush at that time created some supply problems. |