Shooter protection built into the breech was mentioned by Daryl in the ".72 Kodiak..." thread. For anyone wondering what Daryl meant by shooter protection should look here. http://trackofthewolf.com/(S(02cdtvv5v3v...partNum=AAF-781 Note the high fence that prevents anything from coming back at the shooter. The vintage design is RIGHT and provides maximum shooter protection. It would be easy for anyone to recreate this but they will not. So the buyer should ask "why?". Its because the people who designed these reproduction ML doubles back in the 60s were CLUELESS or had a breech of this sort available left over from some African trade shotgun or ??? and copied it rather than go to the expense of copying a truely good breech. Another, this American marked in 8 bore. http://trackofthewolf.com/(S(bty2oqnmgag...partNum=AAF-649 In fact look at any of the vintage doubles on TOWs site. Then look here at the breech on this page. http://www.geocities.com/gunversation/beasts/beasts.htm Dan |