(.224 member)
10/11/06 08:14 PM
Re: WTK: The .350 Mauser as used by the "Greats" ?

Hallo fanofdbls,

I shoot the 9x57 since 11 years in an GECO-M 98 Mauserrifle, build i 1931.
The rifle has an very slim half-stock and a orig. steel stock-pad. The whole gun weights just 2.9kg (=6.4lbs.), and that with an 23.5"-barrell.
The gun shots so good, that I shoot it with the original fixed-sight and no scope.
The results for wildboars are very satisfied. The longest deadrun-distance was 25yards by an 25lbs. boar. Normaly they get down by shot.
A good thing of this cartridge is the low pressure of max. 36300psi. Also that you can set the long 250gr. buillets so far out of the case, that the case has enough burningspace to get a good power. A lot of "modern" constructed cases like the short neckes .308, .358Win. or the .300Win.Mag. becomes a lot of problems with the loading of havey, long bulliets.
The 9x57 is one of the best cases ever made for the Mauser 98 action. After WW II here in germany the trend goes to the 7mm-cal. and so the 9x57 died.

I load the 250gr. Speer Grand-Slam to a velocity of 2000ft./sec. With this heavy buillets you can load the 9x57 till 2200ft./sec.
The case can you reform from new 8x57 cases, a reform-die is available by RCBS.


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