Hallo, for a classic german-style Mauser: cal.: 9x57 (9mmMauser) 10,75x68 I shoot the 9x57 (in a original Genschow M98, build in 1931)since 11years on wildpigs here in Germany and be very satisfied about it. Since last year I also have a 10,75x68 custommade, based on a pol. M98 Radomreciver. This morning I was on the local shooting-range with it and it shows a 3shot 1"-result at 110yds. with the manuell loaded 347gr. Woodleigh softpoint-roundnose. Barrells are made in both calibres by the german gunsmith Lothar-Walther (webside: www.lothar-walther.de) with 25,75" length. The typical stock is a slim, dark-brown walnut-stock without rose-wood top or white plates between stock and recoil-pat. A german double-trigger is also typical for this rifles built between 1900-1940. The 9x57 is also able to used in shortbarrell-rifles with full-stock (mannlicher-style). It burns fast powder like Rottweil R902 or R903. You can go with the barrell-length down to 20", without velocity or energyproblems. The 10,75x68 made no sence to use it in barrells shorter than 24". Relodingdies are availebel by RCBS and Redding for the 9x57 (also reforming-dies from 8x57 and .30-06 to 9x57 from RCBS), and RCBS and C-H for the 10,75x68. Cases are from Horneber both, or reformed 8x57 or .30-06. Norma-cases are good reformable. For the 10,75x68 you can only use original-cases, no other case has nearley that messures. Case-holder is for the 9x57 the RCBS No.3, and for the 10,75x68 the RCBS No.30 (same like for the 9,3x72R). Horneber-cases in 10,75x68 donīt goes in the No.2. For buillets you can use all .358"-Buillets in the 9x57. Good weigt for the cartridge are the 225 and the 250gr. I shoot the 250gr. Speer Grand-Slam. For the 10,75x68 you can use the original 347gr. rounds or the ones for the .404 Jeffery with 350gr. The 400gr. rounds are to heavy and to hard for the lower velocity of the 10,75x68. Buillets for the 10,75x68 (.422" and .423") are made by Woodleigh and Degol and mayby Barnes. The maximum pressure for the 9x57 is 36200psi, for the 10,75x68 42000psi. regards Manolito |