".... Congratulation, Buckstix you caught a very rare bird here. ..... The set trigger kick-off is a replacement, taken from another rifle. .... Finding rings to fit the old inline Sauer claw bases is about as likely as cracking a lottery jackpot. These mounts are out of print for more than 100 years by now. They were handmade anyhow. ...."
Hello kuduae, Thank you for such a detailed history about this rifle. In your comments about the "kick-off" do you mean the the #94 found on the parts? I see that #94 on the floor plate assembly and on the trigger lever and there is also a #94 on the bottom of the action. Would these parts have been installed at the time of building the rifle, or added later. As to the special rings - I am an amateur gunsmith / machinist, and I will myself attempt to machine / alter a set of rings to affix a scope to the rifle.