Good points Marrakai, and I a still a bit on the fence. I don’t think I’ll worry about filling the pits - I can always use the cleaner receiver where the pits are minimal, below the wood line and wood stone off relatively easily...Quote:
I have, however, passed on a half decent Luger at a half decent price because of the Nazi Eagle proofs. To some they add value, but not to me.
yes that’s it exactly - that’s how I feel. It’s more a subconscious thing that I can’t rationalise. I think I might try scrubbing the more pitted one up, see how it goes then if I don’t like it/it’s not working out I’ll use the better one...
I’m the meantime, I received this yesterday. I now have a piece of genuine Type B to add to the build. Thank you very much spud303!