So I’m having dark thoughts... what are people’s views on scrubbing? I’m considering scrubbing the more pitted receiver. There are three reasons I’m thinking about. 1- the pitting, it’s not very deep, and mostly below the wood line but is there none the less. I’d prefer it if it were clean. 2- the nazi proofs. I don’t like nazis, and their presence (all four of them) makes me marginally uncomfortable. I thought I was ok with it but I’m still on the fence. 3- I’ve always like the idea of an action made for sporting use rather than a recycled military one. Hence the desire to copy a Type B. Although that’s exactly what’s happening here, I can at least pretend to myself this isn’t the case... exactly like what BRNO did with their Bo98 sporters, and Voere. I also have no ties to anyone or anything Portuguese. I’m not worried about strength, nothings that deep. I feel guilty removing the nice crest, but in reality it’s a pitted bare receiver - not exactly collector value. Or I just use the other (nicer) one... thoughts? |