A chap that I know bought a little Mauser in 7x57 with exactly the same type of barrel where there was no provision for a rear sight and the breech end of the barrel looked exactly the same as yours with that step. It is like as if the original barrel was shot out but to keep the proof marks so to avoid reproofing, they bored out the original barrel and turned down another barrel complete with chamber and sweated it in. I realise that you said your rifle has no proof marks but maybe have a look into the action at the back of the barrel and see of there is a faint joint line. The rifle looks very nice otherwise in what seems like an interesting cartridge. With that twist rate it would be ideal for 160 grain bullets. Personally if the rifle is in good condition and it shoots alright, I would persist and fit some rear sights and sort out some scope bases. Waidmannsheil. |