About the extractor blade, read the rifle initial description: "The RIGBY was then entrusted to GASTINNE-RENETTE in Paris for a final revision before its storage. The Parisian gunsmith changed the extractor blade that had become too loose by adapting a BREVEX extractor. Perfectly executed, this unique alteration to the originality of the weapon does not hinder its absolutely perfect functioning." Like on the BREVEX the rib has been carefully notched and the extraction and the controlled feeding are flawless. Have a look at => http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat....true#Post144859
DORLEAC www.dorleac-dorleac.com
Ahaa, didn't read all that bit, was too busy looking at the rifle. I take it the long extractors are hard to come by? I think I read somewhere that someone had joined a couple of standard ones together to get a longer one, or maybe they were just inquiring to see if it would work. Could a loose extractor not be reset?