I have done something nasty....not really suppose to.. I bought this Mauser 66 designed by Walter Gehmann. I have for many years handled them, never fired them but been on/of about them but now time has matured. Along with my KleinKaliber Mauser büchse this rifle will be send to me. I guess once a Mauser man.. http://www.collector-firearms.de/jagdwaffen/107-repetierbuchse-mehrlader-mauser-66-kal-65-x-68.html I have wrote to these guys here to hear what a 9,5x66 Vom Hofe SE spare barrel could cost. http://www.keidler-waffen.de/mauser-66/ With a casevolume only a slight less of a .378Wea the 9,5x66 can shoot a 260grain bullet at 3110 ft/sec. In this combo we have the names of Walter Gehmann, August Schüler, Mauser und Herr Vom Hofe und so weiter und so weiter. aber inzwischen... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYEP-N7VG9A |