Hello, A little update on the feeding problem. Today I had some free time and decided to troubleshoot. Removed the firing pin and filled the magazine with cartridges. Started cycling the bolt. It appears that the last cartridge jams the bolt.The last cartridge`s front hits the front magazine wall and it`s bottom stands at some odd angle and jams into the machined recess on the bolt(between the gas vent ports) where the extractor "spring"(tin,whatever this part that is holding the extractor to the bolt is called)is placed(36 on the following picture http://www.gun-parts.com/mauser/Mau%20P.jpg). If the last cartridge is in it`s right position there are no problems with the feeding. Has anyone else experienced something like that? Do you have any idea on how to fix this? Btw one more question,should the extractor touch the barrel when the bolt is closed? I noticed a small mark on the barrel where the extractor touches. I painted the extractor face with a black marker and closed it off. The mark on the barrel matches the scratch on the extractor face. Best regards, Jordan. |