That’s just SUCH the classic Rigby “working” rifle. Nothing that doesn’t need to be there, and everything that does. With the big hubble scoped monstrosities made today, they seemed to have forgotten that there are some people in this world who actually WALK places with a rifle. The traditional open sighted magazine rifles are oh-so much better for carry in the woods or plains. Mr. Coker and I had the good fortune of being able to shoot a rather plain, non engraved; certainly not a “Best Quality” Mauser magazine rifle that wore the style of Boss & Co. Rather similar to the Queen’s Rigby in most ways, and slightly different in others. Still, at the end of the day it was another magnificently balanced, fine shooting rifle that just screamed to go hunting. Mr. Coker and I beat the living snot out of a 150 yard gong with groups that could have been hidden under a Dixie cup. And this all off-hand without the aid of a scope…yes folks, it can be done…Even by a bespectacled old fart such as myself. |