Do you have the opportunity to examine the blanks "in hand". I feel all to many "custom" rifles are compromised by selecting a blank with too much emphasis on looks. I want my stock to firstly have perfect flow (for strength then accuracy, if the grain runs from the heel of the butt, straight through the pistol grip and out through the top of the fore-end you'll have both). Next I want to have the density "right" for the caliber, use and checkering required. These qualities can only be fully assessed if you handle all the blanks. There are only two ways to do this, visit on the supplier yourself or have your gunsmith do so - then listen to what he says ! Then and only then if there is still a range of options select a blank that looks like a million $$ . Of course this advice is only relevant to produce a rifle that will be carried and hunted with for yourself and maybe some future generations of your family. If its just to be a "safe queen" them just select from a photo . .. . whatever you do, make sure you enjoy the process !! |