The Term " B(alle) Blindee " ist often seen as part of stamping Belgian proof and means jacketed bullet. So is it possible that you really read B.Blindee ?! The corresponding term on pre WW1 German rifles is " StmG "(Stahlmantelgeschoss / steel jacketed bullet). The caliber 8x60 shows that the rifle is at least a Post WW1 production, because the development of that cartridge is a consequence of the Versailles dictate. That reduced the total amount of 100.000 rifles in the military 8x57 cartridge in Germany. Those 100.000 were reserved for the armed forces (Reichswehr) in Germany. Every 8x57 rifle in civilian hands had to be rechambered to 8x60 to fullfil the demand of the allied forces. The Name "Smits Repeter " sounds to be Dutch . When it is taken into consideration that a part of Belgium is of Dutch tongue , but the proof house(Liege) uses the French terms , I would guess that the rifle is of Belgian origine. |