Changing to 8x68 by just rechambering is not a good idea. Twist Rate of 8x64(8x57) and 8x68 differs.
Also the case head diameter of the 8x68 is greater (13 mm to the standard 12mm), so the bolt head must be opened up slightly.
But foremost the present configuration is too light for comfortable shooting in 8x68 caliber.
The action can be altered(by a competend gunsmith !) to proper function with the bigger 8x68 cartridge.
Its a 250mm twist on the barrel so a bit fast i know, but its acceptable with heavier bullet i beleave, and thats what i will use.
The boltface is no problem, it will get a new dropped well and buttom metal, so there will be some grams extra together with the scope and wood.
Unaltered ZG47 are rare, why not keep it as is and build something on another action ?
No, i want to boost the value of the original ones.
And its still in my head, so ...... it will probably newer be done anyway.