What a neat, interesting Mauser! It has several interesting features including one I've never seen before in my Mauser observations. No rear, barrel mounted sight! Lyman 48s are seen on Mausers fairly regularly, especially in the US but the standing blade rear sight is usually filed down to accomodate sighting with the Lyman. This C model appears to have a standard military stepped barrel but no military tangent sight sleeve was installed. Could it possibly have been removed and then refinished by Tauscher? Seems unlikely. It seems to have the typical military modified C stock but no recoil bolt/lug in the stock. Just a neat, little rifle all the way around! Its brother, #57976 is listed in Speed as a Model C, 30.06 imported by Tauscher as well. You know, I look at this "plainest grade" rifle by a manufacturer from back then and see all the neat features, skill, and handwork that went into a typical factory produced rifle and it reminds me of how far we've regressed to "eagerly" anticipate the crude finished crap that Remington announces and lament the passing (again!) of Winchester's mass produced excuse for workmanship. Let the stones be thrown, but that "plain grade" rifle has more class than any of the rifles America has produced in the last 80 years and that includes Dakota and the other Johnny Come Latelys.