came from india to canada, thanks to the new owner albertanluger I am able to post this pics here for the archive. most of you if knowing the cartridge have only see the pic in CotW before. Kuduae having a rifle sold by a vienna gunmaker but here is an original colonial piece made in suhl for the british taste. the cartridge was not realy bad with the 350 grains bullet making 650 m/sec. the later 10,75x68 had a factory ballistic of 680 m/sec with the same bullet. no doubt the x68 had the x63 as mother case. to my knowledge only the second rifle for this cartridge now so a real rarity. looks like 20657 the shop in Calcutta? btw. never heard of this before "The forgotten Rodda Arms Heist" http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=367378&page=0&vc=#Post367378 |