I had to look several years back for this post that includes pics of a pre-war square bridge Rigby 375:
Yes, it's mine. Will try to post some pictures of the engraving. It's a .350 Rigby that has been converted by them to .375HH. Very fine rifle.
DORLEAC www.dorleac-dorleac.com
Please do, and, if you will, please tell us the barrel length, length of pull and overall weight. Ever since I first saw that post, I’ve been in love with that rifle! The engraving is very nice, but I find the overall form, like most lighter built Rigby’s, to be heavenly! You once posted pics of another incredible Rigby 375 ( http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=229274&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1 ) that has very similar lines and composition. What, if anything, are the differences between these two lovely rifles? I understand that I’m opening up the discussion beyond the original topic, so I apologize, but these two rifles really fascinate me! Thanks.