(.375 member)
23/01/20 06:41 AM
Re: 1936 Type A Mauser

Rothhammer, thank you very much.

Just Curious, some additional measurements below; again, please click on the photo as .pdf documents don’t expand well.

Nitrox, I can’t really answer your question as I don’t know yet. Like many of us, I have (too) many rifles that I take to the range as much as I can but only a limited number I hunt with. I already hunt roe deer and isard with 6,5x57R and 7x65R kipplaufs, and I also acquired another one in 9,3x74R for hunting red deer the day I will have time. This leaves little room for hunting the Mauser type A in 9,3x62 (or the Mannlicher Schoenauer one in same calibre) in the current European context; but if I have in the future time for hunting in Africa, then I will take the 9,3x62 for sure, in order to pay tribute to Herr Otto Bock!


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