Vikram, Thats the owner-2 years ago, checking out 'Ol kamal, the kamel slayer'- back in Hervey Bay. Tony, I hear you about the 22LPI...we'll plan something. Rule,to think; I was tempted to get a very psychedelic, 'apache gold ' model from a popular stock manufacturer. Fortunately, as my old school motto goes, "Reverentia Jehovae est Caput Sapientiae" ( "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" ) prevailed, as did sense... May be an Old English red rubber style recoil pad? John, Thats good news about the 173 grainers. Would appreciate your load build.I am saving a box of 7x57 cases from Forbes, and the 173 gr H Mantle will be a good load for it. Mehul, I will be checking out the Jeff 450/400 double in a day or two and will post pics. Cheers |