G'day Jerky, That is a very nice Mauser, and in its present condition, a real rarity. My suggestion to keep it in good nick is to use a high quality floor wax. Don't put oil anywhere. Put a nice even layer on over a few days and that thing will look great forever. Wood and metal all cop the same treatment. I even strip down mine and cover areas that are out of sight. I must admit that when you pull a waxed gun out of the safe to show soneone,they look dull. But all it takes is a quick buff with a soft cloth and it will sparkle. A friend who collects high end stuff, wheellocks, cased duelling pistols etc, will only wax his firarms and has been doing so for on 60 years. All are still perfect. Try to find a wax that has the least amount of modern additives and you can't go wrong. I use this method on my working guns but do use oil sparingly on the working metal parts of these rifles. Another tip is to store all longarms muzzle down. Any oils that are present will go to the floor instead of into the head of the stock. Regards, Underlever |