OK, I will throw this out there, and maybe Kuduae will share: I have in my safe about a kilo of N160. I also have about 100 Woodleigh 270 grain projectiles. For my 6.5, I also have some Woodleighs (160 grain) kicking around. VV has recommended N160 as the "correct" powder, but QuickLoad is telling me it is so slow burning that unburned powder will exit the barrel with the round. VV cannot give me load data, because they haven't actually tested loads for either rifle. I'm curious about the differences/recommendations between N160 and N560. Can anyone help with a starting load? I can run some numbers in QuickLoad, but any information will be very much appreciated! Oh, I forgot to mention: For the 9.5, I have once fired brass from Dorfner, for the 6.5 I have Norma and RWS brass, both once fired and unfired, and I have a lot of CCI primers and access to RWS primers. |