I’m having a tough time tracking down much of any information relating to the various British proofed (1903 and up) rifles I’ve seen. I started trending the various retailers and maker’s names I’ve seen on them, but it didn’t help much. Was there a primary agent(s) involved in their importation or were they simply ordered by the various firms? This whole question stems from a 1903 takedown project rifle I picked up that does not have any name on the barrel or otherwise. While many of these seem to carry the standard M-S sights, some seem to have express sights and this particular one has a three leaf folding sight that I haven’t been able to observe on any others, both sight bases look very typical of Rigby styling etc. While I’m trying to figure out this particular rifle, I am also just curious about a more in-depth understanding of British M-S’s in general. Thanks for any insight. |