Quote: I just poked around on the 'net and found these: https://enoughgun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1240 https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/online_ser...arms_or_weapons https://b709a-form-victoria.pdffiller.com/ https://enoughgun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=782 It seems that (if information is current and if I understand it correctly) to receive firearms magazines (or any other part, ammo component...) you would need to apply for and receive a 'Form B709' (and / or B709A ?) from your local law enforcement agency(?). I'd be willing to have them 'drop shipped' to me and then forward them to you as long as it's legal and we're compliant. Otherwise I'd simply declare them as 'machine parts' or 'hardware' on the customs forms and ship them off. Shipping of anything from US to OZ seems to be rather expensive, however. I sent you a PM with a few more details. |