"Steyr 1895 Sporter 8 x 50R mm caliber rifle. Very fine circa 1900 custom carbine. Beautifully game scene engraved. Full length rib with quarter rib. Claw mount Zeiss scope. Bolt handle finishes with an acorn knob. Gun has adjustable set triggers. Beautiful pre-war custom sporter. " http://archives.collectorsfirearms.com/?search=Uberti 1866 Yellowboy .45LC caliber rifle New&page=30&sort=alphadesc&category=&product=r3294
"Steyr 1895 Sporter 8 x 50R mm caliber rifle. Fine pre-war custom sporter with adjustable set trigger & Mannlicher stock. Excellent quality pre-war workmanship."
http://archives.collectorsfirearms.com/?search=Uberti 1866 Yellowboy .45LC caliber rifle New&page=30&sort=alphadesc&category=&product=r3293
It appears that the top rifle has a center mounted telescope. Does the user have to remove the scope to reload?