(.275 member)
20/12/15 05:30 PM
Re: New (to me) 256 Mannlicher

British Gunmakers Volume 3 by Nigel Brown gives the following dates for serial numbers.
1907 - 11139
1908 - 11245
So if your rifle shared the common serial number numbers that Pape allocated, which seems highly likely, the rifle was sold in early 1908. Very interesting.

Mr Brown gives the following firm as the keeper of Pape records, Bagnall & Kirkwood, 28 Grey St, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6AE.The firm also has a web site.

It will be interesting to see if the ledger book records the purchaser.

Is there any chance of one more photo shoeing the calibre and nitro proof, not quite fully visible in the first photo?



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