(.300 member)
02/06/15 07:21 AM
Re: To 'scope or not to 'scope & which mounts if I do ???

Cheers Kuduae..I use the pic of your rifle to show my engineers the side fixing should I choose this method. Below is the response from EAW showing at item 1 what they say about this fixing.
As I have no experience of this sidemount I use their 'needs a control shot' statement and presume it to mean zero is interfered with should the scope be removed/replaced..

Thank you very much for the enquiry. We have two types of mounts for the rifle:

1) lateral slide-on mount with rings dia. 1"/26 mm, part number 190-00034:
It counts among the fixed mounts and requires a control shot any time has been taken off the rifle and put on again.
The base is fitted by screws laterally to one side of the action (drilling and tapping required).
Please see our web site:

2) pivot mount with lever with rings dia. 1"/26 mm, part number 500-00034:
It is a swing-off mount that ensures optimal repeatability of zero. A second scope or sight may also been fitted to the bases of the mount.
Front base and rear base are positioned by screws on top of the action (drilling and tapping required), and need to be secured by glue or soldering. Please see:

Both mounts require a gunsmith who is familiar with these mounts.

As we do not, from the factory, sell to end users, we would suggest that you contact our sole agent for the UK and Ireland for any further information. It is: Sentry Trading, Paul Grannell, phone: 0044 1420 300 123,

Nevertheless, we shall of course be glad to answer any technical query.

Best regards,

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