If you can find some 9,3x57 Norma cases, you can make them suitable by a single pass in a 9,5x57 M.Sch. FL die. Or, you can use .30-06 but they'll need to be neck-expanded in steps and perhaps with an anneal as well. I get good accuracy out of mine, (also a take-down), using 260-grn Nosler Accubond bullets. They feed well too. If your eyes are getting a bit old, a Merit diopter or similar make-shift aperture, such as the types that stick on glasses, help bring everything, front and rear irons sights and target-bull, all into focus at the range. I also polished up the front bead to get a good sighting picture, but I now need to smoke it to make it stand out on a bright day. A spare in the pistol-grip trap got me onto POA as it was a few thou less in profile. Having the original cleaning kit is unusual for these. Very nice example. |