Hello Axel, sorry I haven't replied to your post for over a week; I have been having a bit of a medical "adventure". Anyway, your explanation of both the problem and the solution makes a lot of sense and it looks like I will be rebuilding the inside of the stock this fall. I'm pretty comfortable with Brownell's Acraglas bedding material and a trip to the local hardware store got me a one inch long by quarter-inch-square-section, hardened steel gearshaft 'key' to inlet into the stock behind the tiny front action lug. That ought to take care of the recoil problem and I'll make sure the magazine well does not contact that fragile web of wood when I'm finished. While I'm at it I'll also make sure that the action sits at the correct height in the wood to allow the front action screw to 'clock' correctly again.
And thanks for the reminder about the roe deer, I talked to John yesterday and got him fired up about the idea again. We will be talking to you soon!