Quote: I read it in Karamojo Safari. Bell mentions that before he wanted to go to Africa the second time( right before leaving) he had to get 2 .303`s and they were of military pattern. Bell loved the 10 shot the .303 enfield gave him. I will look it up here later, and post tomorrow. Okay: Bell of africa page 29 1st ed( 1960): So I acquired two sporting models of the .303, each with the ten-shot magazine. In fact they were the military arm with the barrel cut down a bit, and sporting pistol grip stocks. They cost £8 each." ... I have interpred the " Military arm" as military pattern. It has been 4-5 years ago since I last read it . On page 42 he mentions his personal rifles...A .303 lee Enfield...a .275 rigbymauser.. and a double 450/400 + a mauser pistol named " bom-bom" |