(.224 member)
18/04/22 03:43 AM
Re: Lee Speed project

so the fishbelly mag showed up today, (its a converted smle mag) I'm very excited to have it for this rifle and very pleased with the work. B_noser you did an awesome job!! JimHarrison thanks for sending him the original mag to make all of this possible.

this mag functions with 129, 140 and 160gr 6.5mm bullets. the 129's need to be loaded a bit long to make them hold in the mag properly. but they all work if loaded to 3" long and skip the crimp grove just set the OAL to 3".

now this mag is ready to go to engraving and then blueing once the stocks finished and I get the rest of the rifle back, so I can send all the parts to engraving at once then all to blueing at once.

in the pics I have it pictured with a factory LEC mag (what i was going to use in the rifle before i came across the ability to use a fishbelly mag) it would have looked ok but quite millspec for this rifle I think

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