Actually, most of the tools on the wall are still able to be used, but I also have more modern tools in the garage. I well remember sawing logs for the wood-burning cookstove with my Dad on the other end of the Swede saw teaching me how to use it. I like long handles for both the CPR brush hook (big hook mounted on an axe handle on the left hand side of the wall) and the Sandvik slasher (never heard it called that, I always just referred to it as a brush hook). BTW, you can still read the SANDVIK name on the tool. We went out there for as day yesterday to take a load of stuff out. Beautiful day. +17 C. Most of the snow gone. Came home exhausted & woke up to a blizzard here in Winnipeg this morning. So much for an early spring! To Greenshoots: Thank you. My son refers to the den as the man cave within The Man Cave! :-) To German Pioneer: Thank you. |