Picked up another one to add to the small collection. This one is what I would call a 1 & 1/2 Pattern. The action straps, cocking piece, trigger guard, magazine & screws are engraved but the barrel carries a half rib (the standard B.S.A.Co. engine turned rib goes from the normal barrel / receiver joint to about 1 1/2" in front of the rear sight, where it is shaped to a point). It was retailed by Alex. Martin. The top of the barrel ahead of the front sight is stamped SUPERIOR NICKEL STEEL, has a barrel band front sling swivel & a chequering pattern similar to my Holland & Holland Mauser rifle, ie the chequering continues until it ends in a flat almost up to the horn fore-end. As well, the chequering on the hand continues around the top of the grip in a circular pattern rather than the standard arrow point pointing toward the comb. Nice piece of fiddleback & marblecake timber on it. Other than that, it is pretty well standard, with a blank silver initial plate, engraved trap butt-plate, horn (or maybe bake-lite) grip cap. Haven't gotten busy with the camera yet. Just got finished cleaning the bore & after all the blue goop came out, it looks like it could be a real shooter / keeper. |