Alan: In reply to: I'm afraid I dont know where I'm going to get my next tub of grease from! The last one, bought a decade ago and now almost all gone, was marketed by Molybond. I can't find AlCom No.2 grease on the Molybond website, so I guess its gone for good. I have tried to find a locally-available replacement, but all the POL companies including Castrol are now putting ghastly coloured dyes in their water-proof greases! Instead of that lovely light-yellow colour, they have to be dark-green, bright-navy-blue, or dark crimson! WTF!!! It must cost them money to put the dyes into the grease, so why do it? Cracks me up! If anyone can recommend an un-coloured water-resistant grease, please post details! I have been giving some thought to the lanolin-based corrosion-inhibitors lately, Lano-cote(UK), Lano-guard (NZ), and finally Lano-tech (Oz). They have either a brown or poo-green colour, but are not dyed and should be relatively colourless applied as a thin film. Anyone using this stuff on firearms care to comment? |