Are you talking about an RIC carbine? Those were converted from cavalry carbines, which had 6-round magazines. Or do you mean an SMLE that was issued to the RIC? Where do you come by the information that it had a 7-round magazine? Could you post a pic or some more details about your rifle? That way, we can know what is correct or not. (A quarter rib was never issued on any service rifle, so your intention is to convert it to a sporter? If so, check out the other posts in Lee Speed section of the forums. A full-length rib would be more correct). If your rifle is a common SMLE, especially a worn out or mismatched rifle, it might be a good candidate for sporterizing, but if it is a rare SMLE, or even better, an original RIC carbine, then it's worth more than your average Lee Enfield and should not be messed with---you could risk turning a $1000 rifle into a $150 rifle, no matter how nicely done. We'd love to see some pics before you start your project. Thanks for posting! .. |